Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Flat plan

Left- Cover            Right-Contents
This is the flat plan design for the cover and contents page of my college magazine.
I decided to design my flat plan on paint as I think it looks neater and is clearer to read then if it was hand drawn. 
Each box shows a certain area of that page, I have also added brief notes inside of these to show you what detail I will add to that area.

Mood Board

This is the mood board for my CD cover, the genre of my CD was soul/singer song writer. Most of my images on the mood board are black and white as this was the theme for my CD. The picture of Adele is to show that she was the influence for my CD and her style of music was the genre I wanted for my own CD. 
I added a broken heart as I thought that this was a main topic soul writers may sing about. I also included musical notes as the core music is a major part of gentle soul especially as some artists only use their voice and one chosen instrument for their songs.
I also wrote Singer Song Writer and Soul in the font from Photoshop that I wanted to use for my CD

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Pre - Production Planning and Research

Pre production planning and research from RosaRMedia
For this task I evaluated 3 different artists CD covers, this has helped me developing my ideas when designing my own CD cover as I now know what looks good on front covers and what sells.
I have evaluated different text styles and images and I now have a deeper understanding of how the appearance of different CD covers are suitable for the genre of music.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Magazine Covers and Contents Pages I Like.

These are a range of different magazine covers and contents pages that I like. I found all these on Google images. 

 Both of these are from different NME Contents pages, I like how they include a lot of pictures so you are drawn to the image you like most.
 Vogue contents page - I like the mixture of images as it makes it look like a collage and more arty. I also like that it is clear to find the page or article you are looking for as it is set up clearly.
 Glamour Magazine front cover- This cover is very colourful and bold. I like the use of a range of different fonts and how the colours relate to the image and the time of year the magazine was sold.
 Grunge Magazine front cover - I really like how the background of this magazine looks like it has been water coloured as this gives it an artistic feel. The colours are simple yet eye catching and I think that the whole magazine looks very professional 
 Two Vogue contents pages - The name of the magazine is clearly stated rather than 'contents', again I think it gives this magazine a more professional look, it also clearly wants you to remember the name of the magazine  so you can buy it again. I like the high quality images which help with the professional look. 
Wire front cover - I like the minimalistic feel to this cover, the simple font and little writing draw your attention to the main image which is situated on a black background to help it stand out. The image itself looks like a work of art and is so intriguing that it grabs your attention. 

Saturday, 13 October 2012

CD Analysis

This is my analysis of my CD covers which I made on Powerpoint and uploaded to SlideShare

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


College Magazines from
Juniata Admissions Magazine
I like the front cover of this magazine because of the cover photo, it is a medium close up and the main image isn't central but slightly to the bottom right corner - this takes away some of the focus from the main image. I like this idea as the photograph hasn't been filtered of edited in anyway so it looks natural and easy to read.
I also like the idea of having a different font per topic on each page as each font is more suitable for the topic explored in the article following. This makes each page more appealing and interesting to read, I like this idea a lot and may use it for my own magazine.
Another thing I like about this magazine is the way each article is laid out, most of them are interviews so each question is clearly stated with the following answer underneath. There isn't too much content so it is easy to read and understand and you can easily scan through it.

Mount Saint Mary College
This magazine has a very clear front cover, there aren't any big pop up boxes or articles that stand out which I think doesn't make it look interesting to read. But I do like the idea of having 3 pictures as the main front cover, as it shows that there may be a lot going on at the college or lots of different articles within the magazine. But I wont be able to use this idea for my own magazine as you have to only have one image and not more.
You can tell that the photographs haven't been edited just set in a different format, this also fits with it being a college magazine as you wouldn't expect them to use any crazy filters or effects.

California College of the Arts
 My favourite bit of this magazine is the front cover as it fits with the style of magazine (art) because it looks like someone has coloured it in with a colouring pen, this links to the style of the magazine being art as it is very colourful and creative.
I don't think you would be able to tell that the magazine is a college magazine if it didn't clearly state that in the title. Because it looks too artistic and similar to museum or art gallery guides.
But I do like how colourful the front cover is as it is very eye catching and I would personally pick it up expecting it to be good. This is something I could use for my front cover as I want it to be bold and colourful so that people will pick it up and want to read it.