Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Music Magazine Analysis

Q Magazine.
The pose represents the genre of music as the magazine is aimed at an older audience, so the pose is sophisticated and  simple, rather than a crazy young teenager.

Art Rocker Article.
The colours the models are wearing represent the audience of the music magazine as they are bright and colourful this means that the magazine may be aimed at a young teenager audience as they would be attracted to the bright colours.

NME Contents Page
Colour scheme is used with the text as well as pull out boxes.

Art Rocker Front Page

Art Rocker Contents Page

Analysis of Art Rocker

NME Front Cover and analysis

Q Magazine Contents

Q Magazine Contents

NME Double Page Spread
Q Magazine Double Page Spread
Q Magazine Double Page Spread

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Music Magazines

*** I had scanned in these images but they have been deleted, I will replace this post with the proper images when I can get them. These images were taken by me but aren't of a high quality, Also on the scanned images you can see my writing clearer***

Friday, 9 November 2012

How Women are Portrayed in Music Videos

Motley Crue - Girls Girls Girls
In this music video, the first thing you see are women dancing in a club scene, they are dressed in tiny outfits and their dancing is provocative.
Then we see the band members reach the club, they arrive on motorbikes which makes them look powerful as well as their outfits which are dark and frightening.
They intimidate the other men in the club, this makes them look like they have power and authority.
In the lyrics, they say they want a 'toy' meaning a woman they can 'play' with, this objectifies women as small and powerless as it is the men who look after them and are in control.
The women are dancing specifically for the men's attention.

50 cent - Candy Shop
When he arrives at the building the first thing we notice is his expensive car and designer trainers, this shows us that he has a lot of money, and that his designer taste shows his identity and personality
There are women everywhere in the building, like 50 cent is attracting them, this shows he is a womaniser.
Women are in tiny costumes, very revealing, because there are so many of them it is offensive to women as they dont all dress that way.