Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Interview Questions

1) Hiya Rosie, how has your week been?
2) Whats the funniest thing that has ever happened in an interview?
3) Who inspired you to start singing?
4) How helpful have your family and friends been with your career?
5) Do you miss not seeing them as much now you are famous?
6) I hear you're going on tour! Where abouts are you touring?
7) When does your tour start?
8) Who's your celebrity crush?
9) What song are you loving right now?
10) Do you get a lot of alone time to listen to music?
11) What are the perks of being well known?
12) What are the down points?
13) Who are you're top 3 artists?
14) Do you like looking out for up and coming artists or do you stay in the charts?
15) What was the song of you're childhood?
16) What do you call you're fans?
17) What do you like to do when you aren't busy with work?
18) You seem like you work really hard, how do you manage to look so good?
19) What are your top fashion/beauty tips for teenagers?
20) Who's concert do you really want to go to?

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